Saturday, August 13, 2011

my seed need god degree

Between getting vibed out by buildings equipped with german shepard accessories, blue blazer 1/2 jakes with walkie-talkies, and the grinch of Bellacino's, spot searching is becoming more of a necessity than a desire. Most days I think of myself as a more sauve Daniel Day Louis, looking for that oil. Looking in every last grimy corner of the city will prove satisfactory in the end. This year alone has brought more different locations than any years prior. When I get bummed at getting 86ed from the same spot multiple times per week, I try to remind myself that last year I didnt even know said spot existed. Well, I guess that doesn't apply to all the spots. But still, the message has gotten across to you.

Lately, a few ledges have appeared to be renovated via rub brick. It's a great thing to see other people putting a little effort into cleaning up a ledge that would otherwise be unskateable. I do feel, however, that some other ledges should be considered before others. Especially when a future full of skate-stoppers looms ahead. I feel that this summer the city is becoming fully aware of the skateboarding populace, and does not feel the need to embrace us with smiles.

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