Friday, April 15, 2011

Elliott Mom's Gonna Kill You URGGHHHHH

Awwshyeeaaaa things are coming together tighter than lego blocks, son. Wisdom God that I am, let me assure you that I predict this blog going platty soon. This amazing Spring weather is making flowers with waxed edges bloom in my mind. Lotsa postive cats in the city, not to mention wierd-as-strawberry-milk occurances.

Schendelbot put together a little edit of some oldies but goodies, and that is embedded below.

I think I'm going to make a cruiser board for myself. I dug out my SPITFIRE Grosso Lifers and I've already started to gradually sand down an old deck that was once forgotten. It's slow progress, and predictably soothing. Ah, yes, there are few things as nice as a cup of coffee and the repitition of a slow sanding process. Things sure would be easier if I knew someone with one of those Dremel hand sanders.

So here's that clip. Big ups to Smigg Dirtee.

dusty clips from necridskates on Vimeo.

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